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Peripheral Nervous System Injury Rehabilitation


Recovery of the peripheral nerve is slow and usually incomplete. Less than half of patients who undergo nerve repair after injury regain good to excellent motor or sensory function.


H-J Winston Inc. is currently in the early stages of developing a rehabilitation device and strategy for peripheral nervous system injuries.


Based on new research findings in neuroplasticity. We are pioneering a new rehabilitation strategy using visual, auditory, and somatosensory stimuli to induce intrinsic neuroplasticity. Our rehabilitation method will be able to guide severed nerves to the correct target areas during the healing process through the use of multisensory stimulation and sensory-motor interactions.


At this time, we have constructed prototype neural rehabilitation gloves. These gloves are designed to be easy to put on and take off for each rehabilitation session. Unlike current invasive options, our device is completely noninvasive and can be used in conjunction with other treatment methods to maximize the chance of recovery.